Tour Packages in Azerbaijan

Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour

8.9 Great
98 reviews

Active Tours

Direction: Baku-Gobustan
Duration: 5 hours

Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour Off-road Gobustan-Mud Volcanoes Tour

Tour description

Gobustan State Reserve located west of the settlement of Gobustan, about 65 kilometers southwest of the Centre of Baku was established in 1966, it covers 4000 hectares. The monuments of Gobustan are divided into two groups: 1) rock paintings and 2) ancient sites and other objects. Gobustan State Historical and Cultural Reserve acquired national status in 2007 and as a part of the 31st Session of the UNESCO World Legacy Committee. It's estimated that 300 of the planet's estimated 700 mud volcanoes sit in Gobustan, Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea. Mud volcanoes are associated with oilfields. Rich oil and gas fields are found in the territories of mud volcanoes. The most famous and visited mud volcanoes are located at Gobustan Area.

What you will see:

1. Dashgil active volcanos

2. Mud volcano lake

3. Kichik Dash Reserve

4. Climb on Kichik Dash plateau (174 ΠΌ)

5. Gobustan Museum

6. Inscription on stone by Rome Legions (I century AD)

7. Terrace of Rock paintings

Program of the tour

09:30 - Transfer from hotel to mud volcano

10:30 - Familiarization with mud volcano and its history

11:00 - Transfer from Kichik Dash Reserve

11:20 - Jeep Safari at Gobustan Reserve. Climb on Kichik Dash Plateau (174 m)

12:30 - Visit to Gobustan Museum

13:10 - Inspection of the stone with the inscription of the Roman legion (I century AD). Open Terrace with rock paintings

14:00 - Transfer to your hotel

Tour start date

Passenger (s)



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